Technical Drawings

Copies of three technical drawings of the Hampton Safari are available on the Shorebase site. Currently, one is available here, the "General" file, in a much improved form, having been cleaned of discolouration and manually re-traced to attempt to give a good impression of the original which would have been a 3/4" to 1ft scale blueprint.

The plan is to make a second available, the "Constructional" file. Work is proceeding on this much more complex drawing which it is hoped will help those completely re-fitting their boat. In the longer term, it is also hoped to add the "Lines" file as well.

The work done so far has also taken advantage of some of the advertising material available on the Shorebase site. A multi-layered file, with some re-scaled layers, allows good quality profiles of all four variations of the boat to be created including ones showing the sliding wheelhouse of the Marks One and Two in open and closed positions. These will appear on the site as new material is added.

Profile and Plan General Design

Click/tap the heading or thumbnail to download the file.

In this version the discolouration has been removed and some other distortions and skewed parts of the drawing corrected. It is the earliest of the three drawings available on the Shorebase site and is dated "Feb 1968".

One item that is missing is any detail of where or how the engine might be installed. It is clearly an early sketch showing how the proposed craft would use the additional length and width compared with the earlier 22ft "On Safari" design.

Dummy Image Constructional Details

This file is still under preparation..